CVD is killer number one
CVD is the number one cause of deaths. CVD mortality accounts for 36% of all deaths – far more than any other condition.
CVD is the number one cause of death in the EU: more than 1.8 million people – equal to the population of Vienna – die every year as a result of CVD. This represent, on average, about 5000 deaths per day in the EU.
A large proportion of CVD deaths is premature. In the EU, 24% of deaths among men before age 65, and 17% of deaths among women before age 65, are due to CVD.
CVD costs the EU economy approximately €210 billion a year. Of that cost, around 53% (111billion) is for health care costs, 26% ( €54 billion) is due to productivity losses and 21% (€45 billion) due to informal care of people with CVD.

Fighting cardiovascular disease, a blueprint for EU action
The burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) is greater than that of any other disease and the leading cause of death in Europe and in the world. The Blueprint for EU Action provides a range of actions to address the increasing burden of CVD and improve the care and treatment for patients, by putting in place a programme spanning across policy, research and regulation.